Still Kicken Band night JUNE 25 7-11PM located at NBFD firemans field. Entry fee of ONLY $5 ! Raffles, food, music, family friendly.
NBFD proud supporter T-shirts for sale to the public for $15 (diff. sizes avail). We have Fire-truck red and Navy Blue. Call 617-2278.
Bottle and can drive June 3-6, July 8-11, and September 9-11, located at NBFD in back of fire house, place bags in Camden Cans Trailer.
Fire Fighter/EMS responders appreciation night @ SYR. CHIEFS JULY 16 Game time 7:05 PM. Gates open @ 6 PM. Tickets $10 includes food voucher for 2 FREE hotdogs and 1 soda Postgame fireworks!!!! Contact Tiffany 617-2278 to purchase tickets. For $20 you get ticket and a NBFD supporter T-shirt to wear that night, your choice of fire-truck red OR blue LIMITED TICKETS AVAILABLE. I have the tickets and are now available or purchase. Portion of proceeds go to support NBFD.
Fireman's Field available for rent for events, parties, etc. Full kitchen, bathrooms, tables and chairs, may open sides to extent to outside. Contact for availibility and pricing.